Kitchen & Storage Jars

Keramik neu erleben – mit einzigartiger Töpferkunst.

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Backform / Gugelhupf aus Keramik - BA 10001 - 1 - Backform
Backform / Gugelhupfformen aus Keramik
Backform / Gugelhupfformen aus Keramik


Baking pan / Bundt cake

From €19,00

Brottopf Keramik erdig
Brottopf Keramik türkis
Brottopf Keramik grün


bread crock


Butterkühler - BU 14011 - Butter Kühler
Butterkühler - BU 14013 - Butter Kühler
Butterkühler - BU 14012 - Butter Kühler


butter cooler


Salz & Pfefferstreuer - SP 25001 - Pfeffer
Salz & Pfefferstreuer - SP 25002 - Pfeffer
Salz & Pfefferstreuer - SP 25006 - Pfeffer


Salt & Pepper Shakers

From €12,00

Butterglocken aus Keramik
Butterglocke aus Keramik grün
Butterglocke aus Keramik türkis


butter bells

From €30,00

Käsedosen - KD 14050 - Käsedose
Käsedosen - KD 14050 - Käsedose
Käsedosen - KD 14051 - Käsedose


cheese boxes

From €27,00

Knoblauchtopf - KT 34111 - Knoblauchtopf
Knoblauchtopf - KT 34111 - Knoblauchtopf
Knoblauchtopf - KT 34112 - Knoblauchtopf


garlic pot


Milchkännchen - MK 24009 - Milchkännchen
Milchkännchen - MK 24007 - Milchkännchen
Milchkännchen - MK 24008 - Milchkännchen


milk jug

From €16,00

Öl & Essig Flaschen - EO 17000 - Essig
Öl & Essig Flaschen - EO 17000 - Essig
Öl & Essig Flaschen - EO 17000 - Essig


Oil & Vinegar Bottles

From €23,00

Zuckerdose - ZD 24200 - Marmeladentopf
Zuckerdose - ZD 24201 - Marmeladentopf
Zuckerdose - ZD 24203 - Marmeladentopf


sugar box

From €20,00

Zwiebeltöpfe - ZT 34101 - Zwiebeltopf
Zwiebeltöpfe - ZT 34101 - Zwiebeltopf
Zwiebeltöpfe - ZT 34101 - Zwiebeltopf


onion pots


Mehl, Zucker & Salz Vorratstopf - VD 50001 - Töpferei "Alte Schmiede"
Mehl, Zucker & Salz Vorratstopf - [Keramik]
Mehl, Zucker & Salz Vorratstopf - VD 50011 - Mehldose


Flour, sugar, cereal & salt storage pot

€151,00 From €34,00

Ceramic kitchen and storage containers

have played an important role in the kitchen for centuries. They are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing and can enhance a kitchen.

Ceramic is a very durable and long-lasting material, able to withstand both high temperatures and extreme cold. Ceramic kitchen and storage jars are therefore very practical and can be used for storing dry foods such as flour, sugar, spices and pasta.

Ceramic kitchenware and storage jars come in a variety of colors, shapes and sizes to suit every need and style. Some are decorated with colorful patterns and designs, while others are simple and minimalist.

Another benefit of ceramic kitchen and storage containers is their ability to absorb moisture, which can help maintain the freshness and quality of food. They are also easy to clean and can simply be put in the dishwasher if necessary.

Overall, ceramic kitchen and storage jars are a great investment for any kitchen. They are functional, durable, aesthetically pleasing, and can help maintain the quality and freshness of food. Whether you have a traditional, rustic, or modern kitchen, there is a wide range of ceramic kitchen and storage jars to perfectly suit every style and need.


Spülmaschinenfestes Geschirr


Made in Germany